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时间:2023-05-20 17:33:01 公文范文 来源:网友投稿



  Keep trying no matter how hard it seems. it will get easier.以下是小编为大家搜索整理的剑桥商务英语中级听力摸底练习,希望能给大家带来帮助!更多精彩内容请及时关注我们!

  part 1


    Dialogue 1

  A: Where's Bill? The ambassador[ m'b s d ] is already here. The meeting is set to start at 9 am.

  B: He's late again. Traffic is probably holding him up. You know, he commutes from the suburbs. It's not easy commuting every day. We should cut him some slack.

  A: Even though the trafic is bumper-to-bumper out there, I don't think it's heavy traffic that makes Bill late. He takes the train, remember?

  B: Oh, that's right. Well, the train shouldn't be late. That means there is only one explanation.... Bill must have overslept.

  A: Well, to be fare, since he's coming all the way from Lancaster, he's got to get up much earlier than the rest of us. He must get start on his commute about 6:30, no telling what time he actually gets up.

  B: That's right, because he's got to get to the train station from his house, then take the blue line into the city, then switch trains to the red line. In all, the trip's got to take more than 2 hours.

  A: Why doesn't he just drive to work?

  B: It's too difficult to park your car in the city. Also, the traffic coming in from the suburbs is a nightmare.

  part 2

    The working lunch

    Dialogue 1

  A: Excuse me, Don? I hate to bother you, but I need your help on something. Do you have time to brief me on the Martin account today?

  B: Oh, that's right. You are supposed to deliver a brief on that account tomorrow. I know there are some things I need to share with you about that. But, gosh, I don't know.... Things are really busy for me today, the only time I can manage to squeeze out might be over lunch break....

  A: I hate to make you work through your lunch break with how busy you are....

  B: It's okay.... I've already had several days in a row working through lunch....

  A: How about this.... We can make it a working lunch this afternoon, and I'll order some Chinese food for delivery. It'll be my treat.

  B: You don't have to do that....

  A: I insist. I really appreciate you taking time to work with me in. What is your favorite fast food? I'll cater to your taste.

  B: Actually I do like Chinese.... Let's make it a date for Chop Suey and the Martin account at about 12:30. Does that sound good?

  A: Great. I'll bring the food.

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